Teel Group


Unlock greater control over your power usage with our cutting-edge solar energy storage

Harness the power of the sun even when it sets

Keep the lights on during blackouts with a home battery that provides reliable solar energy, protecting you from the aging and vulnerable utility grid.
Shield yourself from rising energy costs and meet your current and future energy needs, whether you're adding an EV or expanding your family.
Our solar Energy storage work with your panels to store excess energy for use at night or during outages. We deliver top-quality services, from hotels to schools, with the right equipment and expertise.
Whether it’s clearing a clogged drain or replacing it, our experts provide the best solution. From emergency repairs to new line installations, we’re here to help with all your home plumbing needs.


With 10 kWh of storage, these batteries can back up even more of your home during outages and maximize your energy efficiency when utility rates are highest. And, the Solar Edge Energy Storage seamlessly integrates into your home with a sleek and compact design.


Our energy storage, helps you maximize your savings by storing excess solar power during the day and shifting it to your home in the evening. Power your home affordably and predictably—storing and using power when you want.


Like solar-only systems, the size of your battery system will depend on your unique battery capacity needs. Factors such as the amount of electricity you use at home and the devices and appliances you want to back up will play a key role in selecting your ideal battery storage capacity.

Your home battery or batteries will allow you to store the electricity your solar energy system produces during the day and use it when you need it most—such as in the evening during the time of use (TOU) peak pricing or when the electric grid fails due to an extreme weather event or physical damage to the equipment. (See below for more information on TOU peak pricing and whether it applies to your jurisdiction).

Home battery is a relatively easy installation. Each battery is about size of a water heater, and the battery system is mounted on a wall—typically next to your electrical panel inside your garage or outside your home.

How Long Does Solar Panel Use

Solar panels can last anywhere between 25 to 30 years, sometimes more. This doesn’t mean that the panels on your roof will stop producing electricity after a couple of decades. It just means their energy production will decrease by what solar panel manufacturers consider optimal to meet the average household’s energy needs. With proper care and maintenance, you can expect to receive significant solar benefits for the next 20 to 30 years.









Is My Home Good For Solar

A lot of things affect how well-suited your home is for solar, including where your home is, the angle of your roof, how much shade it gets throughout the day, and how old your home is.

Our solar advisors can help you determine if your home is a good fit for solar at the moment. They’ll run a custom analysis of your home with our proprietary solar design technology, BrightPath,™ and they’ll get a sense for your energy needs.

How Much Am I expect to save?

When you sign up for a free quote, our in-house Solar Advisors will work with you to determine how much you can expect to save on your monthly energy bill. This relies on factors like your utility, how much electricity you use and how much sunlight your home gets. We’ll only recommend solar if it’s the right fit for your home energy needs and profile.

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